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We have recently introduced the “Initiate” level within the Verified Trusted Authenticity Certificate (VTAC) project: A profound yet elegantly simple symbol of entry-level participation: the small dot tattoo, or NODE. This minimalist mark represents the foundational step into VTAC, symbolizing the initial point of connection and commitment to the overarching values of trust, security, and mutual respect that VTAC embodies.

The NODE (Networking, Openness, Dependability, Engagement), while modest in design, carries significant meaning. It signifies the willingness to embark on a journey of collaboration and innovation within the VTAC ecosystem. This dot is not just an aesthetic choice but a physical manifestation of the individual’s pledge to be part of something greater than themselves—a NODE in the network of trust that extends beyond the digital realm into the tangible world.

For initiates, this NODE serves as a symbolic gateway to deeper engagement with VTAC, offering a sense of belonging and identity within the community. It’s a testament to the idea that even the smallest contribution holds value and that every member plays a crucial role in the fabric of the collective. This dot remains a permanent reminder of their roots within VTAC, marking the beginning of their journey towards greater involvement and community.